Citatul din titlu ii apartine lui Mark Cuban, om de business american cunoscut printre altele pentru dar si prezenta prin Forbes 500.
Il invidiez pentru citat, insa nu despre asta voiam sa scriu, ci despre un interviu mai vechi (2008) dat lui Calacanis pe care eu l-am descoperit de curand si care m-a uns pe sufletul antreprenorial. :)
Intrebat de Calacanis care sunt antreprenorii pe care ii respecta, Cuban raspunde asa:
I guess Bill Gates. Larry Ellison I respect. You know, old school entrepreneurs, it was just diffferent. There was a different crede.
I used to want to be profitable every month, before going IPO. But then later I accepted running at a loss. From the Netscape moving on, that’s what has happened since — the whole idea now is to get pageviews and then figure out a revenue model.
I think entrepreneurs these days have been cheated because for them, its not about understanding how to make money. But when the money goes dry, you’re shit out of luck. When the bubble burst, 9 out of 10 businesses went away. With weblogs, our mantra was sales cures all. We used to talk about bottom line, not top line. It always came down to what you’re putting into your pocket. I want a cash-in-pocket strategy not an exit strategy. When you walk down these halls, you dont have people making money yet.
Si mie mi se pare ca exact despre asta e vorba in antreprenoriat si marturisesc ca toata povestea asta cu fondurile de investitii nu ma prinde deloc. Pot intelege angel investment-ul, pot intelege ca pentru a accelera cresterea unui business sau pentru a rezolva probleme de cashflow ai nevoie uneori de investitii suplimentare, insa nu pricep inca business-urile care nu au un model si care spera doar sa fie cumparate de un strategic mai mare. De fapt, le inteleg, doar ca nu misca nimic in mine.
Asta nu inseamna ca ceilalti gresesc, nu inseamna ca o varianta e buna si alta rea si nici nu inseamna ca nu se pot face multi bani in felul asta. Inseamna doar ca imaginea mea despre antreprenoriat e un pic diferita. Si inca un paragraf din interviu:
Ill tell you what I learned from Bobby Knight: everybody’s got the will to win but when it comes time to doing something, it’s always about someone else. Not many people have the will to prepare. You got to be willing to know your product and environment better than anybody. No matter what you do there is someone out there trying to kick your ass. You got to be the smartest guy in the room about your product. Then you need to have a revenue source. You need a company with a revenue to make money. Concept, competition, and where the money is — plus something you love doing. I’ve never had a day of work. When I die I want to come back as me.
Uneori iti trebuie confirmari cand te uiti in jur si nu intelegi de ce multi au ca unic scop pageview-urile si like-urile, iar tu vrei sa creezi ceva care aduce valoare clientului si castig tie. Articolul asta vine ca o confirmare si pentru mine.
i want to come back as madonna:))
apreciem realismul
Cam arogand individul. Sunt constient ca are de ce sa fie dar, cam arogant.
Skate asta e atitudinea pe care ar trebui sa o aiba oricine. E usor sa iti doresti sa fii o persoana de succes, dar pun pariu ca majoritatea nu se gandesc la cate sacrificii si munca a fost pana la succesul respectiv.