Clear-eyes full-hearts
can’t lose.
change strategist with a keen focus on listening skills and hearing what isn’t said
learner, builder
Andrei este fondatorul Whisper – Center for Strategic Change unde formează alți oameni în “Change Strategy Method”, metodologia pe care a dezvoltat-o ca urmare a experienței acumulate în cele +4000 de ședințe 1:1 avute în ultimii 9 ani de lucru cu oameni care vor să își accelereze procesele de dezvoltare personală și profesională.
Dacă vrei să afli cum poți lucra cu Andrei, găsești detalii aici.
What others are saying
Andrei is brilliant! He really is. He is by far one of the most intelligent, perceptive and empathic people I’ve ever met. But most importantly, Andrei takes the time to listen. Thanks to our talks and his advice, I was able to get some clarity and figure out how to beat the fears that were holding me back from achieving my goals.
Alexandra Gavril
Technical Writer @ Hootsuite
Andrei’s skills of strategic thinking — backed by his ability to take action and stay on course — are nothing short of impressive.
The one thing that I admire most about Andrei apart from his obvious intelligence and wit is the fact he is the honest, down-to-earth, no-B.S. kind of person — always speaking straight to the point and keeping his feet firmly planted on the ground (even when daydreaming) — which makes him very reality-oriented (rather than just someone who speaks from theory or mere idealism).
Petre Tudor Barlea
Chief Marketing Officer @ Voxa
Some people are good at implementing something, others are good at teaching it. Andrei is one of the few people I know who is great at both. I’ve worked with him and his laser focused approach aimed at problem solving and both quick and long term wins, made a significant impact in my life.
Alina Otelea
Director of Operations, Change Strategist
Coaching-ul cu Andrei este inspirational, provocativ, iti da energie si suflu care te imping mai departe pe calea ta.
Daniel Zarnescu
Scriitor si antreprenor
As a solo founder of a startup, I felt I was in that dark swamp of despair every business book or entrepreneur is talking about. That space where you end up after some years of ups and downs and struggles. I needed to escape the days with low energy, very little enthusiasm, no confidence and no plans ahead. From the first session, Andrei made me address some of my personal problems and limiting beliefs and helped me to see the connections to my work. He guided me to create a daily routine that stuck with me and now is a framework to be more productive, present and confident. Andrei made my growth process enjoyable.
Tudor Iacob
Managing Partner at Unison Plant Based
Andrei is a great coach; from our first meeting, I felt listened, encouraged, and most of all I felt he did not judge me in any way. Working together, I realized what my strengths and values are, I learned how to eliminate the useless noise of my life and how to pay more attention to what I feel.
It’s incredible how many things I learned about myself and how much energy I now put into my actions, all in a short time.
Marina Zarnescu
Andrei is like a Swiss Army knife when it comes to building companies. A guerrilla thinker at the very beginning, then gradually becoming more strategy-oriented and detail-focused, Andrei can overcome almost any challenge a start-up faces.
Not only a great entrepreneur, but also a valuable resource when it comes to personal development, Andrei is a real inspiration for anyone set out to achieve even the boldest of goals.
Lucian Croitoru
Software Developer
Andrei is a real example of how you can manage yourself to get the results you and only you know are possible. I got to know him since being active in Online and talking to him is still one of my sources of optimism. His determination to pursue his dreams, his continuous learning approach and the ability to see the possible where others see only the impossible make him a valuable partner in any endeavor.
Madalina Uceanu
Senior HR & Executive Search Consultant
Andrei has profoundly changed how I see and evaluate myself.
He played an instrumental role in my transition from being employed full-time for over a decade to becoming a full-time freelancer (with all the fears, doubts, and challenges it implies).
Andra Zaharia
Cybersecurity content marketer challenging industry stereotypes
După o perioadă lungă de stagnare în business, am lucrat cu Andrei câteva luni pentru a reorganiza lucrurile și a mă pregăti pentru creștere. Doi ani mai târziu am dublat cifra de afaceri.
Claudiu Jojatu
Digital marketing & lead gen strategy for B2B SaaSy companies
Andrei has a unique understanding of situations, people, and their feelings and through questions, personal stories and active listening he guided me to discover a lot of big things about my life and to accelerate my development.
Daniel Rotaru
Growth Marketing Lead @Myra Security
Andrei is definitely one of the most empathic, good listeners and impeccable person who can help you clarifying your vision. Imagine a pair of glasses with lenses that help you see so clearly around you all that you could not distinguish by yourself. And everything is measurable! You have a low self-esteem? How low on a 1 to 10 scale? Andrei will definitely help you to reach a better score, because everything he uses is science.
Georgiana Ciofoaia
Owner at
Cand ma gandesc la leadership, ma gandesc (si) la Andrei. La optimismul lui, la puterea lui de a visa si de a-si urmari visul in realitate, cu perseverenta si pragmatism. Este un om care isi “traieste” valorile si este si forta si frumusete interioara. Il recomand pe Andrei atat pentru experienta sa din domeniul antreprenoriatului online dar si pentru orice moment in care ajungeti sa credeti ca “visele nu pot deveni realitate”.
Raluca Mohanu
Executive Coach & Systemic Facilitator
The right person at the right time. I had the chance to work with Andrei during the Covid lock-down and he managed to bring some light into all this storm. With an entrepreneur background he has the skills and knowledge to assist in any matters. I would recommend Andrei to anybody who is willing to take it to the next level and in need for a professional assist.
Alex Chirita
Marine Advisor
Free Resources
Cărți recomandate de Andrei
Ebook Gratuit despre Construirea de Obiceiuri
Ebook Gratuit despre Managementul Stresului si Reducerea Anxietatii
Podcast ZeroPlus
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