
spending time with ourselves

I think I really learned this in 2010. That late! I learned to stop from time to time, take the foot off the gas, slow […]

2 min read

I think I really learned this in 2010. That late! I learned to stop from time to time, take the foot off the gas, slow down and look around. And then, look inside myself.

They never teach us this, you know? Standing still, spending time with ourselves. They only teach us to run, every day faster than the day before. They teach us that if, while running, we’re among the fastest, then it’s okay! If not, then run faster, what are you waiting for!?

They teach us to run as if we knew where we’re heading. And we don’t, of course we don’t, we have no clue whatsoever.

We set our targets, have a few ideas and a short list we hope we will be able to check out, sometime in this life. But the reality is that we have no idea how we’re going to get there.

In coaching, by working with a lot of people, I learned that most of the time, people only think that they are running towards something. They are not really doing it. In fact, most of the time they are running of themselves, scared shit.

Besides the fact that we look around us, see everybody running and we imagine (stupidly) that this must be what life is all about, most of the time we’re afraid to stop. Because if we stopped, we might be able to hear our thoughts, we might feel the heart beating inside of us, and we might see ourselves, like in a mirror, as naked as we really are. And we’re afraid of the distance between what we are and what we believe that we should be.

The only problem is that, in order to become who we want to be, we sort of need to know where we are right now. And that we can’t find out by running. We need to sit in order to do it. And spend time with ourselves.


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