Astazi am citit ceva genial. Si sunt foarte frustrat de faptul ca pana acum nu mi-a venit ideea sa inventez asa ceva (cel putin in mintea mea – nu neaparat sa fac si publica ideea). Desi, dupa cum spuneam, ideea nu imi apartine si am citit-o pe blogul lui Guy Kawasaki, am sa o prezint aici, pe scurt.
Dar, mai intai, sa spun cate ceva despre acest Kawasaki si motivul pentru care eu m-am hotarat acum ceva timp sa ii citesc blogul. Pe scurt: Guy Kawasaki a lucrat o perioada buna la Apple Computer si a fost “responsabil” pentru succesul computerelor Macintosh, apare in Forbes, a publicat 8 carti, iar in prezent este managing director la “Garage Technology Ventures” [Citeste mai multe despre GK].
Termenul mensch (pe care spre rusinea mea nu il cunosteam) se pare ca inseamna “a decent responsible person with admirable characteristics ” sau “a German noun meaning a human“. Ambele explicatii se potrivesc cu ceea ce am citit pe blogul lui Kawasaki:
” Someone to admire and emulate, someone of noble character. The key to being “a real mensch” is nothing less than character, rectitude, dignity, a sense of what is right, responsible, decorous. […]
Someone to admire and emulate, someone of noble character. The key to being “a real mensch” is nothing less than character, rectitude, dignity, a sense of what is right, responsible, decorous. […]
Here is my humble attempt to help you achieve menschdom:
1. Help people who cannot help you. A mensch helps people who cannot ever return the favor. He doesn’t care if the recipient is rich, famous, or powerful. […]
2. Help without the expectation of return. A mensch helps people without the expectation of return–at least in this life. What’s the payoff? Not that there has to be a payoff, but the payoff is the pure satisfaction of helping others. Nothing more, nothing less.
3. Help many people.
4. Do the right thing the right way. A mensch always does the right thing the right way. She would never cop an attitude like, “We’re not as bad as Enron.” There is a bright, clear line between right and wrong, and a mensch never crosses that line.
5. Pay back society. A mensch realizes that he’s blessed. For example, entrepreneurs are blessed with vision and passion plus the ability to recruit, raise money, and change the world. These blessings come with the obligation to pay back society. The baseline is that we owe something to society–we’re not doing a favor by paying back society. ” [citeste tot articolul]
Daca cel putin una dintre persoanele care citesc acest blog este pusa pe ganduri, chiar si pentru 30 de secunde de cele de mai sus, inseamna ca ideea de a pune niste idei, pe care le gandesc (si in care cred) pe internet nu a fost atat de proasta pe cat ar spune unii. Imi pare bine ca am gasit acest articol pe site-ul lui Kawasaki. Daca nu s-ar fi intamplat, nu stiu daca as fi putut gasi o modalitate decenta de a (va) explica prezenta acestui blog pe net.
Din pacate, nu ma pot considera un mensch (as fi ridicol), dar mi-ar placea ca intr-o zi sa ma pot considera unul. Nu cred ca un mensch poate schimba lumea dar cred cu tarie ca mai multi mensch, uniti, ar putea sa faca foarte multi oameni fericiti, si, in felul asta, sa dea o tenta de roz lumii in care traim.