
Changing your thinking

“If your thoughts could cause things to instantly happen, what kind of thoughts would you think? If your values and priorities were to be continually […]

1 min read

“If your thoughts could cause things to instantly happen, what kind of thoughts would you think? If your values and priorities were to be continually manifested in the world around you, what values and priorities would you choose?

The fact is, your thoughts, your values, and your priorities most certainly have a major influence on the quality of your world and your life. Though you cannot instantly make something appear just by thinking about it, the things that do end up appearing in your life often do so as a result of your thoughts.

Your thoughts directly control your actions, and your actions have a major impact on the reality of your life. When you feed your moments with positive, loving, thankful thoughts, your life and your world cannot help but benefit.

The quickest way to improve your situation is to improve the way you think about it. Though your thoughts will not immediately change anything outside of you, they can immediately change your outlook.

And by adopting an affirmative, creative, grateful outlook on life, you receive a double benefit. Your actions become more focused on creating value and at the same time, they become more effective.

Changing your thinking can indeed change your world. So choose the best thoughts that you can possibly imagine.”

– Ralph Marston

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Andrei Rosca

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